Astrophotography by Calvin Klatt
This page is a list of my TOP TEN images, as chosen by an expert panel consisting of one person, Calvin.
First image is the Pliaedes, or seven sisters star cluster and nebula:

Next up is Earth's Moon!

Next is the Andromeda Galaxy, or Messier 31

Next is the Messier 51 Interracting Galaxy

Up next is the Messier 57, Ring Nebula.
The first is the original photo, followed by a cropped version showing the nebula in all it's glory (and the two stars in the middle).

The Heart Nebula

The Cocoon Nebula is next...

Two different views of the Dumbbell Nebula. The first one with a wider angle lens, the second with a very narrow field of view (large zoom).

Messier 33 Galaxy

The Silver Sliver Galaxy